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"I was all about helping others simply get more into exploring anal in general."

“At one point in time I was a moderator for our regional support channel at work. Generally speaking I was one of the stronger moderators, so it was common for team members to reach out to me directly rather than use the actual channel. One day a colleague reached out with a request that seemed rather urgent. I was pretty busy and tried to push it off, but they persisted. When I found out the request had nothing to do with our company’s general support, and that it instead had to do with their 7-year anniversary, I was down for the distraction and to help. She mentioned being stir crazy, not wanting to ‘shit the bed,’ and wanting to speak with someone who knows about ‘this kind of stuff.’ I shoot my colleague my number and told them to hit me up via text. You know... 7-year anniversary stuff should not be discussed on company tools that are archived. Having recently gotten into fisting, I was all about helping others simply get more into exploring anal in general. Eager to help, I jump right in with, ‘You’ve never done anal before, but you want to? Have you ever played back there before at all?’ To which my colleague ‘LOL’d’ and stated, ‘Random.’ Now I’m confused, so I screenshot the part of the conversation that led me to believe she was seeking anal sex tips. Turns out she needed help planning the office festivities for our company’s 7th anniversary—and that’s what she was extremely nervous about fucking up. I’d never heard the term ‘shit the bed’ before, so I took it at face value. Oh well, can’t win them all. At the very least, they now have a resource if they do decide to go that route for their actual anniversary with their boyfriend.”

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